ways to get extra land.

One way was to get land where there was very little rain fall where the land was bad they would offer 320 acres of land in these areas for the same price as 160 acres in good places. they called this the desert land act of 1877. Because not a lot of people were going to buy that land for 160 acres they gave them more land.

Another way to get extra land was to at least have 40 acres of trees. they would give you another 160 acres of land on top of the 160 you already had. so you would have 320 acres minus the 40 acres you need for trees. but they called this the timber culture act of 1873.
hard to grow crops from little rain fall
they used and sold over 270,000,000 acres of land with 1.6 million homsteaders. 30 out of 50 states only used the the homestead act so you couldn't get land an any state for that amount of money.